Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Our Monopoly Society

When our economy ran out of cards from its ‘community chest’, it quickly began pulling from the ‘chance’ pile. Now, though we are running out of money and approaching the end of that chance pile as well, we still want to continue with all the players. So, in an unprecedented effort we are borrowing money and cards from another board. No additional players, just money and cards. This does two things. First, the game is continuing with the same problems. The most congested spots on the board are: Go to Jail, Collect Salary, Chance, Income Tax, and In Jail.
The second problem is the new players (future generation) who play the second board, have all its players but with less money and cards for allowing a good wholesome chance to grow. It’s only a matter of time until both these scenarios are pitched for the two diced game of ‘Trouble’. When this game is over it will unfortunately result in the most historic game of ‘Sorry’ ever recorded.
This is the simplest way I can explain our economic condition to a child. Maybe you can understand it better as well.

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