Monday, March 30, 2009

America's Trojan Horse

The International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) is a group of foreign countries that have put together a curriculum for schools internationally. The Constitution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), which states that “since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed”.
This all sounds great and innocent until you begin reading through hundreds of pages of documents that reveal the one goal of a 'one world of one mind'. This was what I got out of it.
I found that most of the books written for the curriculum were written by some of the same teachers that teach the courses. Hmm, that's an easy way to teach your own philosophy. Also, tolerance to other students includes removal of the flag and pledge of allegiance in some of the 600 school that the IBO is taught in. The course is bent on removing all barriers from all people for the one goal of international tolerance. I won't make this entry long, so I am putting the things in here that burnt me the most. There are plenty of others. This curriculum is based out of Switzerland. Why can't we teach our own children. What will happen to the history of America? I have looked at the books they require for reading and they even have excerpts from them worth a visit for yourself. One take on the Cold War was that 'socialism' is a good way of governing if you get everyone behind you on it. Yeah, we want this stuff in our schools.
This is not a curriculum, it's an agenda.
This was taught as a class but is now being taught as a philosophy. The teaching of tolerance without boundaries is dangerous to our culture. This is one reason I believe that our 'offensive' pledge of allegiance is being removed from our schools.
Here are a few websites you can visit. Be sure to follow the links as I did, I got obsessed and spent hours reading. If you have any comments or questions please ask while the stuff is still fresh in my head.
I would suggest that you be sure what you children are learning.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

No pledge

One thing that threatens the core value of America is the removal of the pledge of allegiance from our schools. We have already removed 'under God' because of a ridiculous seperation of church and state issue. If only the powers that be would look at the organizations that want this out: Agnositc, athiest, special interest groups (ACLU), Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF), just to name a few. After a closer look they would see a trend of a minority using our constitution in a way that I am certain wasn't meant to be used. Let's remove things that bring us down morally. Let's remove things that hurt people emotionally.
The reason I believe we need the pledge kept in the schools is that is creates an awareness of our origins. I am not even so upset that 'under God' was removed, it wasn't added until 1954 anyway. But to kick out the pledge. COME ON! So, it offended someone. THAT person needs to leave my country. There is a council meeting at an elementry school in Oberlin, Ohio in April discussing the removal of the pledge. Imagine, this is the community that is well known for their participation in the Underground Railroad, the helping of the freeing of slaves. I will post the outcome.
ONe more thing. There is a new school cirriculum in America that is truly anti-American, the IBO.
I will write more about this socialistic wave next time. Until then, check out the website so you can follow my take on it.
If you know of a school in your area that is considering removing the pledge please take the time to voice your concern to them. This is a Goliath that we need to knock down America!