Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Adam and Jesus

It's nice to know for certain about things. And one thing we can be thankful to God for is He makes it clear about sin. And He makes it clear about what to do about it. This video (12 minutes long) covers the dramatic events leading up to the immediate punishment for sin.
After seeing on the news all the debates about capitol punishment, water boarding, putting your hands on children in a punishing way, it got me thinking about the original sin. God was swift, some would say harsh, but one thing for certain, he was clear. There was no wondering if God hated sin or not.

Disobedience was the outward action. Was 'listening' to someone question God's Word the real sin? Was the 'willingness' to go against God's Word the real sin? We mostly judge sin and crime by the outward action, but God often warns of the inside.

'From the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh'. Matt. 12:34

To lust on a woman is adultery. Matt.5:28

God looks inside. Like a seed, once it gets growing it is hard to stop. Once we see sin the way God sees it, we will definitely have a different attitude about what we look at, or what we think. Now maybe with these things in mind we can understand a little more about why God hates sin so much. By time is gets to the 'action', it has already caused internal damage.

This too is why it is such an insult for someone to think they can get to heaven by being good. I Corinthians 15:22

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